Water Rhythm
How much longer?
Mommy are we there yet?
Dry sand tickling my toes
The morning sun leads me
Her warmth feels so close
The way to the water is always easier
Easier than going back
We always pass a big lonely tree
I wish it could come to the water with me
Mommy walks so fast
As if the water is calling her name
Mommy says water is life
I like going to the water
I can laugh with my friends
Other girls who I meet by the water
But mommy says we have to be quick
On the way back the water bounces
It bounces like a heavy melody
If we are quick I can go to school
Mommy how much longer?
Are we there yet?
This last post (at least for now), is a reminder that 'water' might also be a social place, it might be sacred, it might be life, it might even be a poem written by a student in London. By writing this blog on water and gender in Africa, I tried to tell a story; the story of Africa's Water Women. I am aware, however, that this story is far from complete. It is also not up to me to finish this story, since after all I am not an African Water Women. But I hope the journey was inspiring, I hope it made you look at the world differently, and I hope it made you aware that thinking outside the box could open new pathways. Oh, water might also be imagination; imagination for a more sustainable and a more just world for all.
Bijzonder, Helen om je inhoudelijke betoog in 12 posts, zo creatief en persoonlijk af te sluiten, met je gedicht "Water Rhytm" en tekening. Als ik de beoordelend docent van University College London was, dan wist ik het wel: ik zou je een Master plek aanbieden of je terugvragen in de toekomst. Mooi werk, lieve Helen!